Operating revenues
Operating revenues increased by CHF 21.6 million or 2.3 per cent compared with the previous year from CHF 935.8 million to CHF 957.4 million. Without the effects of changes to the group of consolidated companies (deconsolidation of TX Markets companies in 2021 and of both Olmero AG and Trendsales ApS in 2020), the increase in operating revenues would have amounted to CHF 50.5 million.
Advertising revenue grew by CHF 18.9 million or 7.8 per cent during the reporting year to CHF 260.6 million. The revenues from classifieds and services for 2021 amount to CHF 285.4 million, which is CHF 1.4 million above the previous year (CHF 284.1 million). Again disregarding the effects of changes to the group of consolidated companies, an increase of CHF 25.7 million would have been recorded. The increase in marketing and brokerage revenue of CHF 7.5 million to CHF 79.9 million is a result of the improved situation on the advertising market. Revenues from subscriptions and individual sales of paid media decreased slightly by 1.1 per cent from CHF 241.8 million to CHF 239.1 million and print revenue by CHF 5.3 million from CHF 72.5 million to CHF 67.3 million, which equates to a decline of 7.3 per cent. Other operating revenue increased by CHF 2.0 million to CHF 23.4 million.