Financial result
At CHF 5.7 million, the financial result was CHF 3.4 million up on the previous year’s value of CHF 2.3 million. The rise in the interest expense from leases was almost compensated for by the increase in interest income. Whereas financial income in the previous year was influenced by the CHF 2.2 million profit from the sale of 0.9 per cent of SMG Swiss Marketplace Group shares, 2023 saw a first effect of the change in the valuation of the purchase price due for the shares attributable to non-controlling interests in Neo Advertising in the amount of CHF 2.9 million. The financial expenses include effects from changes to non-controlling interests at SMG Swiss Marketplace Group and in the amount of CHF –4.0 million. The net loss in relation to foreign currencies amounts to CHF –0.9 million (previous year: CHF –1.0 million).