Business operations – framework conditions for a resilient TX Group
The basic framework for a resilient TX Group is primarily made up of processes and rules that are reflected in the relevant company regulations. In addition, intact compliance ensures the enforcement of and adherence to regulations as well as to the applicable legislation, ordinances and other provisions. The Competences Directive and the Code of Conduct form the core element of compliance. While the Competences Directive primarily regulates financial decision-making processes, the Code of Conduct focuses on values in relation to employees’ actions. The Code of Conduct sets out the company’s principles that underlie employees’ actions. This includes acting on behalf of the company, duties of care and loyalty, handling confidential information, infrastructure and data protection, handling information required under stock exchange law, protecting intellectual property, health and the environment. In connection with data protection, bribery and corruption, the Code of Conduct refers to further regulations, forms and contacts, such as the Regulations on Maintaining Journalistic Independence, Fairness and Transparency, the Gifts and Invitations guideline, forms for employees for the reporting of data breaches, whistleblowing platform and contacting trusted persons.